💁 What do you know about Sequim? I have lots of questions about this place and what makes it tick, from the way the name is pronounced to where all the money goes. What follows is what I have discovered; source links included.
💁 Sequim is one syllable and comes from the Klallam language from the indigenous Native Americans who inhabited the region; the 'e' is silent, so it is pronounced SKWIM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequim,_Washington
💁 Sequim was incorporated on Halloween, October 31, 1913; but the annual Irrigation Festival started 18 years earlier in 1895 and is the longest continually running festival in Washington State. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequim,_Washington
💁 Sequim is the second largest city in Clallam County; in 2014, residents living in Sequim totaled 6,737, approximately 10% of the county's population which was 72,715 residents.
💁 Sequim's estimated 2016 population was 6,964 with a 5.6% population increase since 2010. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sequimcitywashington/PST045216
(Compared to Seattle's estimated 2016 population of 704,352 and increase of 15.7% https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/seattlecitywashington/PST045216)
💁 In the 2010 US Census, the Sequim population was 6,606; 40.4% of Sequim's population was over the age of 65, with 15.2% under the age of 18, and 4.6% under the age of 5; women made up 55.6% of the Sequim population.
💁 The median household income for Sequim residents (2011-2015) was $38,761 (2015 dollars). https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sequimcitywashington/PST045216
💁 The city manager is the highest salaried position in the City of Sequim's administration; the 2016 salary ranged from a minimum of $120,000 to a maximum of $136,500. Screen shot image below; http://www.sequimwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6992 (Compared to Seattle city managers' salaries (screen shot image below; https://www.seattle.gov/personnel/resources/pubs/2017salaryschedule.pdf))
💁 The 2010-2014 median household income in Clallam County was $47,008, compared to Washington State at $60,294, and nationally at $53,482. https://fortress.wa.gov/esd/employmentdata/reports-publications/regional-reports/county-profiles/clallam-county-profile#population
💁 From 2012 to 2016, total staff salaries for the City of Sequim have gone from $4,848,270 to $5,303,323; totaling $455,053 in raises in four years. Screen shot image below; http://www.sequimwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6992
💁 From 2012 to 2016, total staff benefit costs for the City of Sequim have gone from $1,848,755 to $2,323,735; totaling $474,980 in benefit cost increases in four years. Screen shot image below; http://www.sequimwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6992
💁 From 2012 to 2016, the City of Sequim city-wide operating funds have gone from $13,459,304 to $15,755,962; totaling an increase of $2,296,658 in four years, of which $930,033 comes from benefits and salaries. Screen shot image below; http://www.sequimwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6992
💁 Now you know some of what I know about Sequim and the area where I live. Make of it what you want and thanks for reading!
💁 What do you -- or don't you -- know about where you live? Do you know the incorporation date, or where the name comes from, or the demographics of where you live; is there a local mascot, or local colors, or something special about only your area? Start your own research by answering your own questions; then write a blog post and share it with me in the comments (or email it here) so I can learn about where you live.
Happy researching!
PS ~ Thank you, Google Maps and viewers! Now over 145,000 views of my Google Maps photos. Happy mapping!